The goal of Bio-MegaFuel is to establish a novel efficient, and scalable process to convert low-value biogenic residues and organic waste to biomethanol through chemical looping gasification coupled with membrane reactors.
The process is based on the novel chemical looping gasification (CLG) concept for producing syngas from biogenic residues and membrane reactors for methanol synthesis from syngas. The full chain process will be studied in the project, with novel research and developments in all areas leading to a highly versatile and efficient process.

Specific objectives are:
- Developing biogenic resides and wastes gasification with oxygen carriers to maximize the conversion of biogenic residues and wastes to syngas
- Developing of membrane reactors for methanol synthesis
- Developing Single-step methanol synthesis with recirculation of CO2 to maximize carbon and biomass conversion
- Exploitation and whole Value Chain analysis
- Dissemination and communication of the project’s results
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