IVL has Sweden’s broadest environmental profile, with experts in virtually all areas of environment and sustainability.
IVL has solid scientific expertise in engineering and environmental science, as well as experienced behavioural scientists, economists and social scientists. It is used to working on complex and interdisciplinary projects and taking an interdisciplinary approach.
Together with industry, government and the research community, IVL is driving the transition to a sustainable society by turning science into reality, environmental problems into opportunities and linear processes into a circular economy.
ROLE in Bio-MeGaFuel:
IVL contributes to a large extent to Bio-MeGaFuel via two key Work Packages i.e., sustainability analysis and Business Development. IVL leads full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) that includes Social-LCA as well. IVL also leads the Business Development tasks that includes Production potential and market analysis, current and conceptual value chains and business models, and end-user uptakes. IVL tasks depends on the flow of data between all the partners and requires all the partners to actively collaborate and participate in the mention tasks tasks.